Monday, November 20, 2006

I have no life

So here I sit on a Monday morn, listening to Barry Manilow belt his heart out to Mandy, reminded of a video that makes me laugh about Barry, a pineapple, and some guy from Lost (which reminds me that I need to rent Lost). And I'm thinking about a movie that should be in theatres in TX soon.

Had a dream last night about my workplace being taken over by aliens, I think. It was one of those epic dreams that would get completely lost in translation in a blog, but suffice it to say, I trained with the CIA (yeah, Prax, I'm gettin' my own purple van, soon) and kicked some invisible alien boot-ay with my usually conservative female coworker who in this dream was dressed as Tina Turner from Thunderdome, including the hair.

That said, I have nothing to write about. I've transformed into my anal retentive self and have compiled a list of Monday chores to do by Dec 31. Today's chore? I haven't picked it yet. Maybe I'll pick a chore for my chore today and then do the chore next Monday...yeah...


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