Friday, April 13, 2007


No, it's not her birthday, but this week surely warrants such a title. As she should, G celebrated the week in style, cramming in as many bars, fried tofu sandwiches, and friends as she could.

Last night, we went to Maria Selma's (the birthplace of Don Eduardo), drank margaritas, named puppies (I still like Moondoggie and Jabba the Pup), and then the two "good" girls backed out while I headed to the Harp with the Dark Lord. Darth and beer= deadly combination, really, and I'm not blaming him (because he claimed I would try to blame him), but you simply can't go out with Darth and only have one drink. It just doesn't happen. He puts them in front of you, and you drink them. Plus, he knows every bartender in the city, so even if you did drink one drink, you'd be significantly snockered anyway.

The Harp presented us with a great musical selection (except for the Major Tom theme there for awhile), a bartender who looked like Rollergirl and apparently doesn' t like that comparison, and another bartender with the nicest little Irish accent in Texas. Sigh. There's nothing like a man serving you drinks whilst calling you a "saucy little minx" in the most perfect Irish brogue. Sigh, again.

Today I met up with G at Starbucks while she pretended to work, and now I'm taking a break from work and am looking at schools to attend. I'm thinking U of AZ or Oregon State.

And the update on the mites? They are bird mites, and I am supposed to be able to deplete their existence using this technique which has to have been found on MacGyver: flypaper, a paper cup, and dry ice. Apparently they smell the CO2 from the dry ice and get stuck on the fly paper. This is the technique told to me by the Texas Dept of Health, so we'll see what happens.



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