Sunday, December 04, 2005

Ain't no hole in the washtub

I'm babysitting for a precocious 3 year old on Wednesday, so I went to Walgreens to buy some art supplies to keep her entertained. While there, I saw Emmet Otter's Jug-Band Christmas for $3.99. In keeping with my Kermit the Frog theme, I thought I'd buy it and maybe share it with the 3 year old. It's from 1977 with the real Kermit (Jim Henson's voice). Apparently it was a made for TV movie, but I'd never seen it before, until now. I had to actually turn it off midshow because I was laughing so hard I snorted. It's Kermit meets the Beverly Hillbillies. The music, including Ain't no hole in the Washtub, is...I don't even have a word for it. The best part is Chuck the bear (pictured above) in a sleeveless denim shirt/jacket with "Chuck" written across it, the local bad boy. Even better, sitting next to Edgy who is imitating Chuck the bear perfectly.

Really, though, it has a sweet little premise, and the otters on strings are adorable. It's great to watch a good old fashioned puppet show without all the digital technology. Still, though, the soundtrack...UGH.

Well, got to go doctor my foot. I think the pedicure lady got a little carried away with the pumice stone yesterday and cut the part where my toe meets my foot. It's all red and angry, with a gaping hole. I was toe retarded. Now I've got toelio.

Picture of chuck the bear from



Anonymous Anonymous said...



5:35 AM  
Blogger Cranky said...

Is it just me, or does Chuck the bear kind of resemble the guard from Cool Hand Luke?

4:44 PM  

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