Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Cranky wins

Went to the doc today. I have to wonder, and I happened to wonder this outloud after doc was a little prick to me: Is snideness a byproduct of medical school, or is being an asshole just a prereq for admission?

Anyway, my luck with docs is not wonderful, and this was no exception. I tell him my symptoms, and as usual, I get the "Well, someone sure has their list down." And then without listening goes into a rant about antibiotic overuse (I hadn't even asked for antibiotics) and bacteria mutating and whathaveyou, and then rants about how he has a "case of the sniffles and you don't see [him] running to a doctor whining and complaining" [he says with a teensy little sniff to prove that he does, indeed, have the sniffles.]

at this point I'm thinking, Jesus, you've got some issues, but I just say, "Um, well, I wouldn't have come in except that it's been 5..."

[interrupting]: "Yeah, 5 days. 5 days. It's always 5 days. It is mandatory that you wait 7 days before coming into the doctor. Don't you see that on your Nyquil package!"

"Um, K, but I'm a teach..." [was going to say that I was a teacher and it's TAKS and today was the only day I could get off to come in to the doctor]

[interrupting again]: "Oh, I know, I know, teacher, always wanting the quick fix. wouldn't it be nice if we could all get a quick fix? I sure would like a quick fix [he says all this while writing me out a prescription for an antibiotic]

So he hands me the script and then says, "you need to wait 48 hours before filling this script because you need to make sure that it isn't viral first, and you have to wait 7 days before you can know if it is viral. If in 48 hours, which i doubt, you are still sick, then you can fill this script." He hands me the zpack script.

Well, I know my body, and though I usually fight off the docs who try to force me to take antibiiotics bc usually I have a virus, I know that this time I do have a bacterial infection. Green goop and other things=bacterial infection in my estimation. Plus, it's been since 1999 that I've even taken an antibiotic, so I think I'm ok. Good lord.

That said, I took the antibiotic and I feel better. Not great, but better. green goop has gone yellow and Cranky is able to at least function.

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