Sunday, June 25, 2006


I came home from work last night about 10:30 pm to a blocked off street. After convincing the cop that I actually do live on that street and am not just looking for parking for Pride, I look for a spot. the only spot on the whole street is in front of my pasty white next door neighbor's house. Park, go upstairs, crash from a 61 hr work week. Mind you, my pasty white neighbor was actually parked in his driveway at this point.

This morning, get up at 7, go to work. Come home about 2:30, fuckhead is parked in front of my house--his driveway is completely empty. And he's sitting inside his house, looking out the window with pasty white fuckhead son/daughter on his knee, staring and smirking. He just does this to spite me EVERYTIME i park in front of his motherfucking house. I hate this bastard, and today, I'm going to do something about it.

First of all, I'm unleashing Tootie G on his ass; she's going to piss on his fucking piece of shit black boring ass Audi. Then I'm concocting something else which will most likely involve rock salt, anal lube, and illegal fireworks. [Simpsons' Allusion: Homer: "I'll have a three musketeers, a pen, comb, one of those porno mags, some illegal fireworks, pint of old harper, and some of those portable enemas"].

That oughta do it.


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