Friday, February 23, 2007

Only in Texas

Today I attended my first Go Texan Day Shabbat. No, your eyes don't deceive you. There were hats and fiddles and bandannas sitting right alongside the challah and kiddush cup. This was "Tot Shabbat, " for the kids at the Temple (my friend's child attends school here). The tots danced around to strange country songs about men washing their faces with a frying pan.

It was strange to hear The Eyes of Texas and Deep in the Heart of Texas intermixed with Shalom Aleichem and Baruch Kel Elyon. It was almost alarming.

Why are Texans so weird?

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

that's freaking AWESOME!

6:48 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Shomer shabbas!

12:12 PM  

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