Thursday, April 19, 2007


I don't just use the acronym bc I'm juvenile and obsessed with acronyms (PISD) and my mammaries. Really, I didn't notice the acronym until I abbreviated the meeting on my calendar--"TIT 9:30." It's like when I used to work in the head injury field and would do assessments. I'd write, "Voc ass" or "job ass" on my planner, and I didn't even notice until a neuropsych pointed it out to me. Then I'd write it on purpose.

But seriously, TIT (or TNT as I just noticed on the website --hmmm maybe I should've looked at that to begin with) stands for team in training, and though I'm flippant about it's abbreviation, I am hard core serious about the cause. On Saturday, I am attending an informational session about walking a marathon for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. I'm planning to do the Nike marathon in San Fran bc you can walk it (and there's the 1/2 marathon option in case I fizzle out). I've been doing some preliminary stuff, and I'm actually at 14 miles, but I am not timing myself yet, so I couldn't tell you how bad I am at this point.

What I really like about it is that they hook you up with an honored teammate. I happen to know someone who died of leukemia and a family friend with blood cancer currently, but it will be nice to also meet someone who is a survivor and walk for them.

So 2 more days until I find out what I'm getting myself into. I should celebrate with brownies! Mmmmm!



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