Thursday, December 13, 2007

To Darth, the Catbirds apologist

He cuts off his Samson hair, and suddenly he thinks he's Perry Mason. Darth gave his great rebuttal: "Bizarro Catbirds is no Bizarro Catbirds." How's that for circular reasoning? Still, I will humor him and explain why Bizarro Catbirds remains so named.

Darth retort #1: The people don't compare. Yes, they do. Bizarro Catbirds is Bizarro because it is the suburban (opposite but equal)version of catbirds. Catbirds has urban skank. BC has suburban skank.

Darth retort #2: The atmosphere doesn't compare. Catbirds plays 1940's jazz. Bizarro Catbirds had a cover band playing Loverboy, Journey, and Toto! First of all, Catbirds plays a CD collection of 1940s and '50s jazz, and the dj doesn't even know who Ella Fitzgerald is. That proves my point. Catbirds tries to be a cool jazz bar but misses the beat, so to speak, and BC tries to be a live music venue and plays shitty '80s covers. Both sad.

Darth retort #3: The girls at Catbirds have tattoos all over. The majority of girls at Bizarro Catbirds have a tribal thingy on their lower back. And I've never seen so many fake breasts in my life! See my response to #1--that and I've never seen so many poser Emo people at Catbirds in my life.

Cranky concession #1--Yes, I am a psycho magnet

Above all, though, it's my damn blog, and I can give BC what ever pseudonym I want.

Smooches, Dark Lord.

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