Sunday, October 15, 2006

Sunday Six

1. Take the quiz: How much sloth do you have?
31%--a little lazy but normally energetic and motivated.

2. Take the quiz: How much wrath do you have?
29%--sometimes you get angry but nothing out of the norm. Though you may wish someone harm, you'd never do anything about it. (see, I'm not really cranky)

3. Take the quiz: How much lust do you have?
48%--you're really a lustful person, but you do a good job of hiding it. You're friends would be surprised to know that you're secretly very wild! (are you surprised, friends?)

4. Take the quiz: How much envy do you have?
59%--you're an envious person, but only at times and in certain situations.
5. Take the quiz: How much pride do you have?
46%--you have your proud moments, but you're often ashamed of them. Don't be so hard on yourself.

6. Of these five sins, which quiz's response seemed most different from your real personality?
I was surprised by the sloth. I didn't think I was that lazy. Maybe I'm just in a lazy mood today bc of the rain.


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