Monday, October 09, 2006

Stealing a Meme

Today was the laziest day I've ever had. Seriously, I woke up at 10:30, fell back asleep until noon, ate a spoonful of almond butter, and fell back asleep until 5:30. This weekend was spent working my ass off nonstop, during which time I also had the chills and cold sweats. I think I'm trying to get sick.

So, today's blog is a stolen idea from the Praxis--in two parts. You know you're from Houston when...

You're on your way to work one February morning and suddenly you're trapped in a traffic jam caused by a chuck wagon and fifty horses -- with riders -- and you look around to see that everybody in the cars around you is wearing a cowboy hat. [this has never happened to me].

The "farm-to-market" roads have seven lanes.
[4, usually].

If you want to be a snob about your grocery shopping, you can go to a Randall's Flagship, a Kroger Signature, a Rice Epicurean, an HEB Central Market to buy bread and milk (but you have to dress up!)
[now you have to dress up to take your dog out for a shit around here].

You have to turn on the air conditioning in January, two days after a low of 29 degrees.
[when do you actually turn the air off?]

You have a Roach Story: You opened your flatware drawer to find a roach the size of the Taco Bell chihuahua. He stood up and looked you in the eye. You closed the drawer, bought new flatware -- and stored it in the oven.
[OMG, I have about 20 roach stories. They're immense. They fly. And you can't kill them. Raid only makes them foam and fly. I've even cut one in half with a raid can, and the front half flew at me. AAAAA. I hate them.AAAAAAAA].

The name "Bud Adams" makes people snarl, and "Bum Phillips" doesn't mean a bad screwdriver.
[Bud Adams is a jagoff]

"Luv ya Blue" still makes you smile, even if you did run the Oilers out of town.
{I have pictures of myself dressed up as an Oiler's cheerleader in 2nd grade. AND I still have my Luv Ya Blue Jacket].

You know that the Astrodome will always be the Eighth Wonder of the World.
{Right after La Chunnel]

Your neighbor's Christmas yard decorations look like a re-creation of the gunfight at the OK Corral, complete with a ten-foot tree decorated with boots and cowboy hats, and a Santa Claus who looks a lot like Wyatt Earp.
[disturbing, but true.]

You know that "Dad gummit" has nothing to do with your father's failure to practice good dental hygiene.
[I never knew anyone actually said those words until I started dating Edgy].

For a Chili Cookoff, you'll use anything from armadillo to frog's legs, but you know that the only GOOD chili is made with chopped -- not ground -- beef, and it has NO beans and NO tomatoes.
[how about no beef and lots of beans and tomatoes, a bottle of beer, and a splash of sugar]

Society matrons of "a certain age" still sport big hair, and faces that have gone east, west, and north rather than south.
[yeah, but I wouldn't limit them to a certain age. Just visit Clear lake.]

You can leave your house, head out of town, and an hour later you still haven't left the city limits. (During rush hour, you haven't left your neighborhood.)
[and during a hurricane evac, you haven't moved at all]

You've never seen 45 in any condition other than under-construction -- and you've lived here for 20-30 years.
[Or I-10 or 59 or 610]

If the humidity is below 90 percent, it's a good hair day.
[never a good hair day here]

You see nothing unusual about an 80-something former sheriff's deputy who wears a white pompadour toupee and blue sunglasses, mispronounces names, allows televising of his frequent plastic surgeries, seems unnaturally obsessed with slime in the ice machine, and screams, "MAR-VIN ZIND-ler, EYE-witness news" into a television camera every night.

How about the fact that people drive in the middle of the lanes here, like PacMan, and change lanes with no indicator?


Blogger Cranky said...

No but I have an Earl Campbell rookie card. Does that count?

11:42 PM  

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