Saturday, January 13, 2007


Years ago, before my major move to Chicago, I was surrounded by butterflies everyday for a month. At least one a day would land on me. After I moved there, I would have at least one a week land on me for 6 years, aggressively like blood sucking demons, really. Ok, not really, but you have to admit that anything with an exoskeleton is pretty damn creepy. This butterfly phenomenon prompted much introspection on my part, and I even bought a couple of butterfly necklaces during this time period. Why--bc butterfly necklaces are so much less creepy than the real thing.

I've changed insects now, however. For 2 weeks now, EVERYDAY, a ladybug has appeared out of nowhere and has landed somewhere on my body, generally my arms and hands. It doesn't matter if I'm walking outside, or if I'm sitting at my computer at work, a ladybug lands on me and stays there until I escort him/her outside. No fear, though, the next day, at some point, a ladybug will fly from nowhere and land on me again.

So weird.


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