Monday, January 01, 2007

Caution: Cranky's Cleansing

April 23 marked the day that I made the lifestyle change from the good life to organics and such. Of course, it all started with the most miserable cleanse invented. As you might recall, it took a little while to get started, but eventually, after much grumbling and misery, I made it through the cleanse and into a much more manageable diet which I kept for 7 months. Then Kimday 2006 hit, and since then, I've been sneaking some bad foods in here and there (still nothing near what I used to eat), but tomorrow starts the cleanse again.

This time, though, I welcome it. No grumbling for me, at least not for now. My body feels toxic and disgusting. Still, no cleanse is complete without a food fest the night before, so here was the menu for Cranky's last night of decadence.

I went to 59 diner (bc no food fest should occur without diner food) where I partook of a mint chocolate chip shake (only drank 1/2--I'm such a wimp nowadays), fries with KETCHUP and RANCH DRESSING (2 things I haven't touched since April and really, they don't taste all that great anymore), a pickle (in honor of the year of the Cuke) and a club sandwich. Yeah, not so food festy, really, but I just can't stomach too much bad food anymore. I did have Star pizza (best pizza in Houston) 2 days ago, though, so that's probably still floating around my belly somewhere, I'm sure. Ick, can't do cheese anymore.

So, cleansing until the 12th (apart from a margarita I plan to have with Glinda this week). Keep your fingers crossed.


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