Thursday, January 03, 2008

Nice New Years

I did end up going out for New Years this year, but it was to a nice wine bar where I could sit down all night. Any sudden movement would throw me into a coughing fit. And I managed to make a nice glass of wine last for about 2 hours before having to get another one. I felt bad holding on to a table for so long without drinking, especially since one of the friends I was with doesn't drink. So 2 glasses of wine for me for the evening and a nice jazz band with a balloon drop at the end. Very pleasant night. Yes, Cranky just used the word pleasant to describe an evening. I'm growing up.

Got home, went to bed at 1am (gasp) and woke up to a picture of the smallest, most disproportionate ass I've ever seen on my phone--or at least that's what I thought it was. Apparently, it was Glinda's arm, but knowing her affinity for short people with infirmities, I'm still not sure.

Back to work yesterday and today. Right now I'm 10 min late for work, and I'm still in my pjs eating oatmeal (as part of my eating healthy thing again) and typing this. Obviously New Year's Resolution is NOT getting to work on time. I worked 12.5 hours yesterday, though, so they can kiss my ass.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

giggle! hehehe. totally my arm, but i still think it's hilarious.

10:55 AM  

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