Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Simon says, "Scream 'Hallelujah!'"

Thanks to Praxis88, I just finished watching the psycho explode on Trading Spouses, but I must say that her 20 minute tirade was not as funny as these shots:

1. The psycho woman is sitting on the porch having a prayer vigil or something, and we go to commercial break. After the break, the camera does a close up on one of the gargoyles and then pans up to a close up of her, squatted down on the porch swing, face wrinkled up, looking exactly like the gargoyle.

2. She arrives at the NOLA airport screaming, "This is God's country," at the top of her lungs and frightening the hell out of her cabbie.

3. I have to repeat the title of my entry again: "Simon says, 'Scream Hallelujah.'" This was how the family killed time peacefully before mom burst through the door. I also loved the welcome signs out front that she totally dismissed, while the other family played lacrosse in the yard together.

4. During her tirade when she tells all the people from the "dark side" to get "out-tuuuuuuh," she rips off her overshirt, revealing her bra and the profile of her entire, immense breast through the arm hole. I kept waiting for it to pop through.

5. When she tells the crew from the dark side to leave, one of the cameras accidentally catches another camera operator, a petite Asian girl, on camera, who is frantically trying to decide whether she should leave or stay. Priceless.

6. The "lifetime TVesque" credits at the end, where, among other appropriate things, the New Age mom allocates $20,000 for psycho to have the gastric bypass surgery she wanted. Previously, of course, we've had to watch pyscho rip the allocation letter into shreds, throw it down, pick it up again and throw it out the door. Now, though, she "has reconsidered the offer and has decided to take the money." I guess the "tainted money" was good enough for a little stomach stapling, now, wasn't it?

7. The commercial coming on after the tirade was freakin perfect, but the phone rang, and now I can't remember what it was, but it couldn't have been more perfect. Maybe I'll think of it.



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