Wednesday, May 31, 2006

I did grow up

It happened. I am officially an adult, though many of Glinda's kittens thought I was already. It used to be that I saved every cent for Olympia beer and spaghettios--oh, and any cover charges, though we usually tried to go out on ladies' nights to avoid those.

Post college, I saved my money to help me through my Killian's and/or Jack Daniel's phase. It was a step up, and I even stashed enough money away (from manipulating men to buy my drinks) to buy my first big purchases--a sofa and a computer. Still saved money for the cover charges and also found that I had to save money for hangover remedies all of a sudden. Not good.

Chicago era, I saved lots of money because I worked for a TV station for 72 hours a week, where I partied with rock stars and took home all the free booze that was left over from the parties. Where did that money go? It went to flying back and forth to Houston for family gatherings (which seemed to multiply once I moved away).

Now, I'm stashing money away for a house and just got really excited about the sale (and 5% educator discount) I got from Office Depot (I'm still an educator and still teach at HCC part time, thank you) on some file cabinets. I'm stashing away my teaching stuff and bought file cabinets AND got excited over them. I spent until midnight with Edgy putting them together. I'm not saving much money because I'm buying food at Whole Foods and have decided that when I drink, I'm only putting top shelf in my body from now on. I'm officially embracing 30s. What's next, a minivan and private schools for my cats?

Ah well, I've got to get ready to go to the fabric store with my friend to help her redecorate her house (OMG, I'm OLD!) This is the same friend who is going to pay my expenses in China next year (sans airfare) when they go over to adopt another kids. They want an extra person to help look after their oldest while over there. Way exciting!

New Mexico highlights and pics to come.



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