Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Day 1: Insights

  • oatmeal bites, especially without sugar and milk.
  • I really want sugar 5th period, cookies particularly
  • finding fast food to fit this diet is really difficult, but JITB has a decent salad even without the dressing and fried wontons
  • Iced tea is not so bad as long as you nix the ice
  • exercising on this diet is a chore
  • canned broth has yeast in it, a nono for the diet
  • end of detox diet occurs on May 4th, in time for Cinco de Mayo, but unfortunately, the toxin dieoff process on this diet is so strong that you have to introduce one food back each day (in a certain order--alcohol, corn, beans, and cheese being last), so Mexican food will probably not be on the list. I'm thinking reintroduce PASTA!
  • toxin dieoff will begin in approx 3 days, during which time I will feel like I have the flu combined with bloating and/or GI issues. Don Eduardo is not happy but is preparing for the hurricane
  • Cranky is so freakin hungry that her belly actually hurts
  • confusion with diet instructions: "Measures must be taken to encourage more frequent and complete bowel elimination for those with slow elimination! [exclamation point is the author's]. Must clarify with doc what measures exactly bc websites recommend a warm salt water enema, and Don Eduardo puts his foot down on that one. Not gonna happen.
  • This diet is too damn confusing, and I don't think I will make it 10 days



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