Startling Stats
I'm doing some research for work (I love working at home) and came across these fast facts:
- 50% the percentage of children under 5 in the US who are racial or ethinic majorities (
- 80 million fewer females globally due to selective abortions and infanticide (Parents Magazine); PGD (preimplantation genetic diagnosis) clients are increasing in the US, btw.
- 38% the percentage of 4th graders who scored below basic reading levels in 2005
- 29% the percentage of 8th graders who scored below basic reading levels in 2005 (both stats from USA Today)
- 25,800 the number of cases of whooping cough in children in 2004 (Newsweek)
I know. I thought that was weird.
I'm right there with you. Look how many posts I did today!
Word verif: arswwf--makes me think of the Iron Shiek.
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