Tuesday, March 13, 2007


I've gotten to spend a lot of time alone this week and last. Gone are the 75 hour work weeks for awhile, and that means more time to myself, by myself. And tonight I watched Bridges of Madison County, a movie that I bought on a whim solely because I needed a third movie to get the sale price. I watched it once as a teen with my friends Gordie and Bobby; Gordie and I watched as Bobby bawled her eyes out over what we thought was the longest, most ridiculous movie ever. In fact, as I picked it up yesterday, I thought of that sleepover and of us staring in disbelief as a cataract poured out over Bobby's face. She was always a sap.

Tonight, though I still think it goes on way too long, I appreciate it more; perhaps it's my age or my situation. I dunno, but though I can't see why a 13 year old girl would weep over it, I can understand the beauty of the film, and I can actually envision myself in Francesca's shoes, whether in the past or in the future.

Still, the film is not the reason for my post. I learned tonight (and I think it's something I've known but have never verbalized, really) that I absolutely love sitting at home, curled up on my sofa with a down duvet (and 2 cats), drinking midrange wine out of my best china, marveling at the lightning, absorbing the rain, and watching a candle flicker while a low volume, long movie plays in the background on my little, cheap TV. Yeah, I like that.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

so much! god=texan, warrior birthday overlooked (why did I think it was in october?!), and now you waxing all sappy. cranky - you miss me, don't you? ;-) nah. sounds like last night was better than one spent crawling out of catbirds.

7:38 AM  
Blogger Cranky said...

No, Glinda dear, I miss my Matrix trilogy, actually! ;o)

9:13 PM  

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