Thursday, July 28, 2005


Thanks to Glinda, we have now dubbed PISD with a second acronym, MESS. Dunno what it stands for...mundane educational system that sucks, I guess. Anyway, I got a letter from PISD yesterday saying that my benefits were cancelled due to my resignation. I called them today and explained, again, that I rescinded my resignation and was rehired. She asked if I had filled out all of the paperwork with HR, and I said, yes. She answered, "Ok, then throw the paper away." I explained to her that I didn't want to throw anything away until I was certain that she had, in her records, notification that I was officially rehired. Her answer: "Oh, well if you filled out the paperwork, then you're fine. " She refused to get off her ass and check her filing cabinet. Unbelievable. Hang on, folks, god knows if I've got a job.



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