Monday, November 12, 2007

Still the size of a Brazil Nut

So my tonsils never went down, despite the allergy medication from the doc. And I've actually felt pretty run down for a few weeks, keeping Kimday pretty low key. Yesterday, I came home from work and felt the urgent need to take a nap. Crashed on the bed, woke up 4 hours later, and couldn't swallow. It felt like someone was slicing my throat apart.

Knocked out with Nyquil and wriggled my way into a doctor's appointment (really, it is a pain in the ass to get into a doc office), and a throat scraping later, I've got tonsillitis. Yippee.

So the Kimday posts will have to wait because I am too zonked to write. I've got my Odawalla and my Zpack and my FuFu Bunny (all staples for an illness), and I'm crawling into bed as soon as I hit publish post.

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